
GVSU双簧管工作室站成两排. 从左至上:玛伦·瓦夫里科娃, Lea卡特, 劳伦Schnicke, 娜塔莉·克莱恩; From left - bottom: Natalie Feldpausch, 快乐安德森

布里奇特·范德霍夫(Bridgett Vanderhoof)拍摄


Students majoring in music have weekly lessons and studio classes that take place in the beautiful Sherman VanSolkema Recital Hall or the Cook-DeWitt Auditorium. 每一个学生, 无论他/她的专业, learns how to make and adjust 芦苇 in our very well-equipped Reed Room. 

A wide array of music ensembles is available for students, 包括 风交响曲, 管乐团, 交响乐团, 室内管弦乐队, 新音乐合奏, 大学的系综, 大学乐队, 和军乐队. Students are also strongly encouraged to form Small Chamber Ensembles (woodwind quintets, trios, etc.). 

Interested students are encouraged to visit oboe studio or reed making classes, sit in on an ensemble rehearsal or music classes, and speak with students and faculty about GVSU’s music programs. 看到 GVSU双簧管日历 了解更多信息.

安排一节课. 玛伦·瓦夫里科娃发了一封 电子邮件 to (电子邮件保护) 或致电(616)331-2999.

Lea卡特, 娜塔莉·克莱恩, and Natalie Feldpausch holding their oboes in the Marcia Haas garden at HCPA.

布里奇特·范德霍夫(Bridgett Vanderhoof)拍摄


大峡谷州立大学’s environment is rooted in a broad liberal education. 的 GVSU 音乐、戏剧和舞蹈系 specializes in undergraduate studies, offering 学位s in 音乐表演(B).M.),音乐教育(B.M.E),文学学士(B).A).

Students not interested in majoring in music can audition for a 音乐小 or audition for university ensembles as Participants. Outstandingly gifted students are encouraged to audition for Performance Honors, 在GVSU的教师那里学习小时课程.

While students are asked to select a music program at the music audition, all music majors and minors have the same music classes during the first two years and can switch between 学位 plans if they see a better fit for themselves.


Lauren Glomb holding her GVSU diploma, standing next to Dr. Vavrikova.

音乐学士(B.M.) students focus on music performance and usually audition for ensembles, continue their studies at graduate schools, or establish themselves as private teachers after their graduation. It is our most rigorous music program which requires students to practice three hours daily and participate in both large and small chamber ensembles.

文学士(学士.A.) 学位 is becoming very popular due to its broad spectrum of career possibilities. It is ideal for those students who would like to pursue such career paths as arts administration, 音乐疗法, 音乐理论, 或音乐学.

音乐教育学士(B.M.E.) students work with excellent faculty both at the Department of Music and at the 教育学院. It takes between four to five years to complete the B.M.E. 学位. 

音乐小 which is a perfect 学位 for students who want to continue music in college but have another major. Students register for half-hour oboe lessons, participate in a large university ensemble, and register for basic music history and theory classes.

For those who do not wish to be enrolled in any music classes but would like to keep playing, 博天堂官方提供 全体参与. 如果您有兴趣,请联系博士. Vavrikova.  

Students in the reed room, standing and sitting around the reed-making table.


要安排你的试镜,请访问 音乐、戏剧和舞蹈系.  
To apply to 大峡谷州立大学, visit the 博天堂官方博天堂官方.

除了…之外 音乐奖学金, GVSU提供各种 奖学金 新生须知. Interested students are encouraged to contact the GVSU财政援助办公室 安排预约.

To be considered for a music scholarship, it is recommended that students 三月中旬前试镜.


Since 2005, GVSU hosted world-renowned oboists at various 双簧管和双簧管 包括   

  • 约翰·迪伊,伊利诺伊大学
  • Stephen Caplan, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • Andrea Fedele, St. 云州立大学
  • 米歇尔·菲亚拉,俄亥俄大学
  • Geralyn Giovannetti, Brigham Young University
  • 斯科特·霍斯特勒,芝加哥交响乐团
  • 塞莱斯特·约翰逊,UMKC音乐学院
  • Nancy Ambrose King, University of Michigan
  • 安德里亚·里迪拉,迈阿密大学
  • 艾莉森·罗巴克,布拉德利大学
  • 马丁·舒林,亚利桑那州立大学
  • 罗伯特·索顿,俄亥俄州立大学
  • 丹Stolper, Interlochen Arts Academy and Interlochen Arts Camp (see 记住教授. 丹Stolper
  • 凯莉·瓦内曼,匡威学院
  • Allan Vogel, Los Angeles 室内管弦乐队 and California Institute of the Arts

Facebook上的Double Reed Days!
Facebook上的GVSU Double Reed Studio! 




音乐学士 EDUCATION with Performance Honors 


娜塔莉·克莱恩 standing outside and holding her oboe.



Natalie Feldpausch holding her outside of HCPA



A photo of 快乐安德森, standing and holding her oboe outside.



Lauren Schnicke standing outside, holding her oboe and basketball.


音乐学士 EDUCATION with Performance Honors 



如果你想找一个双簧管老师, GVSU graduates and current students are ready to help your beginning oboists with basics, 芦苇, or with solo and ensemble festival pieces. 的y can come to your school, home, or teach online. 的y can also coach oboe sectionals and some have experience with selling handmade 芦苇. 

丽娅·卡特,B.M.E. 2025
Before coming to Grand Valley, Lea studied oboe at Interlochen. She is in her third year and is ready to build an oboe studio. She is eager to meet with your young oboists. 要联系Lea,请给她发电子邮件((电子邮件保护)). 

Natalie Feldpausch, B.M. 2024
Natalie is an experienced piano teacher and has taught some oboe lessons in the past. She is an excellent performer and makes (and sells) beautiful oboe 芦苇. If you are interested in scheduling a lesson with her or would like to find out more about her oboe 芦苇 send her an email ((电子邮件保护)).  

娜塔莉·克莱恩,B.M. 2024
Natalie is from the Coopersville area and can meet with interested students at their school or at their homes. She is pursuing a double 学位 and while her schedule is very busy, she is always ready to meet young students and share her passion for and expertise in music. 安排一个课程的电子邮件 (电子邮件保护).  

西德尼·祖卡罗,B.M.E. 2023 
西德尼住在阿伦代尔地区. She is a passionate and experienced teacher who enjoys working with all ages and levels. For more information or to schedule a lesson email (电子邮件保护).
